Python Tkinter Scale

In this tutorial, we will learn about Python Tkinter ScaleTkinter Scale widget is used to create a graphical slider on the screen. This widget allows user to move scale and to select a particular value on the scale.

Syntax of the Python Tkinter Scale:

w = Scale (master, options)  
  • master: This represents the parent window.
  • options: Here is the list of most commonly used options for this widget.

Example of the Tkinter Scale:

# importing tkinter lib
from tkinter import *  

def show():
    value = "Value is = " + str(svar.get())
    label.config(text = value)
mainWindow = Tk()  


svar = DoubleVar()
scale = Scale(mainWindow, variable = svar )

button = Button(mainWindow, text="Show Selected Value", command=show)

label = Label(mainWindow,pady=10)


Various possible options in Python Tkinter Scale:

Option Description
activebackground This option is used to set background color of widget under focus.
bg This option helps us to set the normal background colour of the widget.
bd This option is used to set the size of border around the widget.
command This option helps us to mention a function to every time when RadioButton will change its state.
cursor This option helps us to set the style of cursor like an arrow, dot etc
font This option is used to set font type in the widget.
fg This option helps us to set the normal foreground colour of the widget.
from_ This option id used to start point of scale’s range.
highlightbackground This option is used to set the color of the focus highlight when the widget is not having the focus.
highlightcolor This option is used to set highlight colour shown to the widget under focus.
label This option is used to show a label with scale.
length This option is used to set length of the scale widget.By default 100px.
orient This option is used to set the orientation of Scale.
relief This helps us to set the style of the border by which is default Flat.
sliderlength This option is used to set length of scale slider which is normally 30px you can change it.
state This option is used to set state or Scale. By default it is NORMAL. You can also set it DISABLE.
tickinterval This option is used to set a tick interval in scale.
to This option is used ending point of scale’s range.
troughcolor This option is used to set the colour of the trough.
variable This option is used to set a variable in Scale.
width This helps us to set the width of the widget.

Tkinter Scale Methods:

After learning about various available options in Python Tkinter Scale. Its time to check out some available methods for Tkinter Scale widget.

Method Description
get() This method returns the current value of scale.
set ( value ) This method helps us to set the value of scale.
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