Operators in JavaScript

In this tutorial, we will learn about Operators in JavaScript. Operators are special symbols and we use these operators to perform some operation on operands. For example, we want to add two number 5 and 10 so we will use the + operator there to add these two numbers.

JavaScript provides us with a variety of operators. These operators are categorized into these following categories.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators

Now we will check all these operators in detail. we will check each category.

Arithmetic Operators:

Arithmetic Operators are used to performing normal mathematical operations. For example to perform addition, subtraction. We have a total of five operators in this category.

Operator Description Example
+ Addition 10+20 = 30
Subtraction 20-10 = 10
* Multiplication 10*20 = 200
/ Division 20/10 = 2
% Modulus 20%10 = 0

Relational Operators:

Relational Operators are used to performing check relation between two operands operations. For example, check less than or greater than. We have a total of eight operators in this category.

Operator Description Example
== Is equal to 10==20 = false
=== Identical (equal and of same type) 10==20 = false
!= Not equal to 10!=20 = true
!== Not Identical 20!==20 = false
> Greater than 20>10 = true
>= Greater than or equal to 20>=10 = true
< Less than 20<10 = false
<= Less than or equal to 20<=10 = false

Bitwise Operators:

Bitwise Operators are work on the bit level of the operand. We have a total of seven operators in this category.

Operator Description Example
& Bitwise AND (10==20 & 20==33) = false
| Bitwise OR (10==20 | 20==33) = false
^ Bitwise XOR (10==20 ^ 20==33) = false
~ Bitwise NOT (~10) = -10
<< Bitwise Left Shift (10<<2) = 40
>> Bitwise Right Shift (10>>2) = 2
>>> Bitwise Right Shift with Zero (10>>>2) = 2

Logical Operators: 

Logical Operators are work between two expressions. We have a total of three operators in this category.

Operator Description Example
&& Logical AND (10==20 && 20==33) = false
|| Logical OR (10==20 || 20==33) = false
! Logical Not !(10==20) = true

Assignment Operators:

Assignment Operators are normally used to assign value to a variable. We have a total of six operators in this category.

Operator Description Example
= Assign var a=10;
+= Add and assign var a=10; a+=20; Now a = 30
-= Subtract and assign var a=20; a-=10; Now a = 10
*= Multiply and assign var a=10; a*=20; Now a = 200
/= Divide and assign var a=10; a/=2; Now a = 5
%= Modulus and assign var a=10; a%=2; Now a = 0
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